Southeast Asian and early Chinese ceramics by Abhaya Asian ArtAbhaya Asian Antiques

Two Medieval Bulgarian and Serbian Coins

Two Medieval Bulgarian and Serbian Coins

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Directory: Traditional Collectibles: Numismatics: Coins: European: Pre 1492: Item # 1465082

Please refer to our stock # 7130 when inquiring.
Abhaya Asian Antiques
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G/F 59, Pak Ngan Heung
Mui Wo, Lantau, Hong Kong
Mobile 852-91335095

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1) Beautiful medieval silver coin from Bulgaria, Ivan Alexander 1337-1371. Coin reverse: Ivan Alexander with one of his sons, co-emperor Michael Asen IV, obverse: Christ standing with outstretched arms.. D: 17mm. 1 gram. 2) Serbian coin Stefan Dushan 1331-1355. Obverse Christ enthroned, reverse Stefan and Helen holding a patriarchal cross between them. Diameter; 19mm, 1 gram. Free shipping.