Southeast Asian and early Chinese ceramics by Abhaya Asian ArtAbhaya Asian Antiques

Archaic Chinese Ding Vessel

Archaic Chinese Ding Vessel

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Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Chinese: Pottery: Pre AD 1000: Item # 1489786

Please refer to our stock # 7390 when inquiring.
Abhaya Asian Antiques
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G/F 59, Pak Ngan Heung
Mui Wo, Lantau, Hong Kong
Mobile 852-91335095

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Magnificent pottery Ding. The long legs and “cockscomb” design where, the legs join the body, are in keeping with bronze vessels from the Zhou to Warring States period, which pottery pieces were trying to emulate. There are traces of a repetitive meandering impressed band below mid circumference. The body is thinly potted with very light gray clay and originally had a dark gray slip applied to the outside (the original gray slip is still intact in the cavity). All the legs and one handle have been repaired and it does not have an original lid, given that this between 2500 and 3000 years old it is lucky to have survived as it is. Height: 26.5cm/10.2in and diameter: 21cm/8.2in.